The following articles were published by Ron Davis, his lab members and his collaborators. You may view the entire article by clicking on the abstract link at the end of the corresponding title. The link will redirect you to the website.
Davis, R.L. (2023). Five decades of learning and memory research using Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics. Invited review, submitted.
Noyes, N.C. and Davis, R.L. (2023). Innate and learned odor-guided behaviors utilize distinct molecular signaling pathways in a shared dopaminergic circuit. Cell Reports. Abstract
Sharma, N., Banerjee, R., and Davis, R.L. (2023). Early Mitochondrial Defects in the 5xFAD mouse model of Alzheimer’s Disease. J. Alzheimer’s Research. Abstract
Noyes, N.C., Davis, R.L. (2022). Genetics and molecular biology of memory suppression. Neuroscientist. Abstract
Zhang, X., Sabandal, J.M., Tsaprailis, G., and Davis, R.L. (2022). Active forgetting requires Sickie function in a dedicated dopamine circuit in Drosophila. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 119. Abstract
Stahl, A., Noyes, N.C., Boto, T., Botero, J., V.M, Zeng, J., King, L.B., Li, Y., Davis, R.L., and Tomchik, S.M. (2022). Associative learning drives longitudinally graded presynaptic plasticity of neurotransmitter release along axonal compartments. eLife 11, e76712. Abstract
Noyes NC, Phan A, Davis RL. (2021) Memory suppressor genes: Modulating acquisition, consolidation, and forgetting. Neuron. 109, 3211-3227. Abstract
MacMullen, C. and Davis RL. (2021) High throughput phenotypic assay for compounds that influence mitochondrial health using iPSC derived human neurons. SLAS Discovery, Epub ahead of print. Abstract
Sabandal JM, Berry JA, Davis RL. (2021) Dopamine-based mechanism for transient forgetting. Nature 591, 426-430. . Abstract
Wang X and Davis RL. (2021) Early Mitochondrial Fragmentation and Dysfunction in a Drosophila Model for Alzheimer’s Disease. Mol Neurobiol. 58, 143-155. Abstract
Cervantes-Sandoval I, Berry JA and Davis RL. (2020) Rac1 Impairs Forgetting-Induced Cellular Plasticity in Mushroom Body Output Neurons. Front Cell Neurosci. 14, 258. Abstract
Davis RL. (2020) Mechanism of Action and Target Identification: A Matter of Timing in Drug Discovery. iScience. 23, 101487. Abstract
Guven-Ozkan T, Busto GU, Jung JY, Drago I and Davis RL. (2020) miR-92a Suppresses Mushroom Body-Dependent Memory Consolidation in Drosophila. eNeuro. 7, 0224-20. Abstract
Varkuti BH, Liu Z, Kepiro M, Pacifico R, Gai Y, Kamenecka T and Davis RL (2020) High-throughput small molecule screen identifies modulators of mitochondrial function in neurons. iScience 23, 100931. Abstract
Varkuti BH, Kepiro M, Liu Z, Vick K, Avchalumov Y, Pacifico R, McMullen CM, Kamenecka TM, Puthanveettil SV and Davis RL. (2020) Neuron-based high content assay and screen for CNS active mitotherapeutics. Science Advances 6, eaaw8702. Abstract
Noyes NC, Walkinshaw E and Davis RL. (2020) Ras acts as a molecular switch between two forms of consolidated memory in Drosophil. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 117(4), 2133-2139. Abstract
Zhang X, Noyes NC, Zeng J, Li Y and Davis RL. (2019) Aversive training induces both presynaptic and postsynaptic suppression in Drosophila. J. Neurosci., 13, 9164-9172. Abstract
Phan A, Thomas CI, Chakraborty M, Berry JA, Kamasawa N and Davis RL. (2019) Stromalin constrains memory acquisition by developmentally limiting synaptic vesicle pool size. Neuron 101, 103-118. Abstract
Kepiro M, Varkuti BH and Davis RL. (2019) High content, phenotypic assays and screens for compounds modulating cellular processes in primary neurons. Methods Enzymology – Modern Approaches in Drug Discovery. 610, 219-250. Abstract
Pacifico R, MacMullen CM, Walkinshaw E, Zhang X and Davis RL. (2018) Brain transcriptome changes in the aging Drosophila melanogasteraccompany olfactory memory performance deficits. PLoS One 13, 12:e0209405. Abstract
Berry JA, Phan Anna and Davis RL. (2018) Dopamine neurons mediate learning and forgetting through bidirectional modulation of a memory trace. Cell Reports 25, 651-662. Abstract
Crittendon JA, Skoulakis EMC, Goldstein ES and Davis RL. (2018) Drosophila mef2 is essential for normal mushroom body and wing development. Biology Open 7(9) pii: bio035618. doi: 10.1242/bio.035618. Abstract
Spicer TP, Hubbs C, Vaissiere T, Collia D, Rojas C, Kilinc M, Vick K, Madoux F, Baillargeon P, Shumate J, Martemyanov KA, Page DT, Puthanveettil S, Hodder P, Davis R, Miller CA, Scampavia L, Rumbaugh G. (2017) Improved scalability of neuron based phenotypic screening assays for therapeutic discovery in neuropsychiatric disorders. Molecular Neuropsychiatry 3, 141-150. Abstract
Yu D, Tan Y, Chakraborty M, Tomchik S and Davis RL. (2017) Elongator complex is required for long-term olfactory memory formation in Drosophila. Learning and Memory 25, 183-196. Abstract
Muntean BS, Zucca S, MacMullen CM, Iwamoto H, Blakely RD, Davis RL and Martemyanov KM. (2017) Interrogating the spatiotemporal landscape of neuromodulatory GPCR signaling by real-time imaging of cAMP in intact neurons and circuits. Cell Reports 22, 255-268. Abstract
Himmelreich S, Masuho I, Berry JA, MacMullen C, Skamangas N, Martemyanov KA, Davis RL. (2017). Dopamine receptor DAMB signals via Gq to mediate forgetting in Drosophila. Cell Reports 21, 2074-2081. Abstract
Davis RL and Zhong Y. (2017). The biology of forgetting – A Perspective. Neuron 95, 490-503. Abstract
Cervantes-Sandoval I, Phan A, Chakraborty M and Davis RL. (2017). Reciprocal synapses between mushroom body and dopamine neurons form a positive feedback loop required for learning. Elife May 10;6. pii: e23789. doi: 10.7554/eLife.23789. Abstract
MacMullen CM, Fallahi MS and Davis RL. (2017). Novel PDE10A transcript diversity in the human striatum: insights into gene complexity, conservation and regulation. Gene 606, 17-24. Abstract
Busto GU, Guven-Ozkan T and Davis RL. (2017). MicroRNA function in Drosophila memory formation. Current Opinion Neurobiology 43, 15-24. Abstract
Busto GU, Guven-Ozkan T, Chakraborty M and Davis RL. (2016). Developmental inhibition of miR-iab8-3p disrupts mushroom body neuron structure and adult learning ability. Developmental Biology 419, 237-249. Abstract
Drago I and Davis RL. (2016). Inhibiting the mitochondrial calcium uniporter during development impairs memory in adult Drosophila. Cell Reports 16, 2763-2776. Abstract
Cervantes-Sandoval I, Chakraborty M, MacMullen C and Davis RL. (2016). Scribble scaffolds a signalosome for active forgetting. Neuron90, 1230-1242. Abstract
Gai Y, Liu Z, Cervantes-Sandoval I and Davis RL. (2016). Drosophila SLC22A transporter is a memory suppressor gene that influences cholinergic neurotransmission to the mushroom bodies. Neuron 90, 581-595. Abstract
Guven-Ozkan T, Busto GU, Schutte SS, Cervantes-Sandoval I, O’Dowd D and Davis RL. (2016). MiR-980 is a memory suppressor microRNA that regulates the autism-susceptibility gene, A2bp1. Cell Reports 14,1698-1709. Abstract
MacMullen CM, Vick K, Pacifico R, Fallahi-Sichani MS and Davis RL. (2015). Novel, primate specific PDE10A isoform highlights gene expression complexity in human striatum with implications on the molecular pathology of bipolar disorder. Translational Psychiatry 6, e742; doi:10.1038/tp.2016.3. Abstract
Davis RL. (2015). Snapshot: Olfactory classical conditioning of Drosophila. Cell 163, 524-524e1. DOI
Berry JA, Cervantes-Sandoval I, Chakraborty M, Davis RL. (2015). Sleep facilitates memory by blocking dopamine neuron mediated forgetting. Cell 161, 1656-1667. Abstract
Busto GU, Guven-Ozkan T, Fulga TA, Van Vactor D, Davis RL. (2015). microRNAs that promote or inhibit memory formation in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 200, 569-580.Abstract
Walkinshaw E, Gai Y, Farkas C, Richter D, Nicholas E, Kelema K, and Davis RL. (2015). Identification of genes that promote or inhibit olfactory memory formation in Drosophila. Genetics 199, 1173-1182. Abstract
Tonoki A and Davis RL. (2015). Aging impairs protein synthesis-dependent long-term memory in Drosophila. J Neuros. 35, 1173-1180. Abstract
Berry JA, Cervantes-Sandoval I, Davis RL. (2014). Sleep facilitates memory by blocking dopamine neuron mediated forgetting. Prog Brain Res. 208, 39-62. Abstract
Guven-Ozkan T and Davis RL. (2014). Functional neuroanatomy of Drosophila olfactory memory formation. Learn Mem. 21, 519-526. Abstract
Berry JA and Davis RL. (2014) Acitve forgetting of olfactory memories in Drosophila. Prog Brain Res. 208, 39-62. Abstract
Tan Y, Yu D, Busto GU, Wilson C, and Davis RL. (2013) Wnt signaling is required for long-term memory formation. Cell Rep. 4, 1082-1089. Abstract
Davis RL. (2013) Spermidine cures flies of senior moments. Nat. Neuro. 16, 1363-1364. Abstract
Cervantes-Sandoval I, Martin-Peña A, Berry JA, Davis RL. (2013) System-like consolidation of olfactory memories in Drosophila. J. Neuro.33, 9846-9854. Abstract
Tomchik S and Davis RL. (2013). “Drosophila Memory Research Through Four Eras: Genetic, Molecular Biology, Neuroanatomy, and Systems Neuroscience.” In Invertebrate Learning and Memory Vol 22. Eds., Menzel, R. and Benjamin, P. Academic Press (San Diego). Link
McDonald ML, MacMullen C, Liu DJ, Leal SM, and Davis RL. (2012). Genetic association of cyclic AMP signaling genes with bipolar disorder. Translational Psychiatry, doi:10.1242/jcs.106674 Abstract
Davis RL and Giurfa M. (2012). “Mushroom-body memories: An obituary prematurely written?” Curr. Biol. 22, R272-5. DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2012.02.060 Abstract
Cervantes-Sandoval I and Davis RL. (2012). Distinct Traces for Appetitive versus Aversive Olfactory Memories in DPM Neurons of Drosophila.Curr. Biol. 22, 1247-1252. DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2012.05.009 Abstract
Tonoki A and Davis RL. (2012). Aging impairs intermediate-term behavioral memory by disrupting the dorsal paired medial neuron memory trace. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 109, 6319-6324. Abstract
Berry JA, Cervantes-Sandoval I, Nicholas EP, Davis RL. (2012). Dopamine is required for learning and forgetting in Drosophila. Neuron 74, 530-542. Abstract
Mortillo S, Elste1 A, Ge Y, Pati, SB, Hsiao K, Huntley GW, Davis RL, Benson DL. (2011). Compensatory redistribution of neuroligins and N-cadherin following deletion of synaptic ß1-integrin. Journal of Comparative Neurology. J Comp Neurol. DOI 10.1002/cne.23033 Abstract
Yu D, Davis RL. “Functional imaging of antennal lobe neurons in Drosophila with synapot-pHluorin.” In Genetically Encoded Functional Indicators. Ed., J.-R. Martin. NeuroMethods Springer Science (New York). In press. Abstract
Davis RL. (2011). Traces of Drosophila Memory. Neuron 70, 8-19. Abstract
Akalal DBG, Yu D, Davis RL. (2011). The Long-Term Memory Trace Formed in the Drosophila α/β Mushroom Body Neurons is abolished in Long-Term Memory Mutants. J Neuroscience 31, 5643-5647. Abstract
Busto GU, Certvantes-Sandoval I. and Davis RL. (2010). Olfactory Learning in Drosophila. Physiology 25, 338-346. Abstract
Buchanan ME and Davis RL. (2010). A distinct set of Drosophila brain neurons required for NF1-dependent learning and memory. J. Neurosci. 30, 10135-10143. Abstract
Davis RL. (2010). Rac in the Act of Forgetting. Cell 140, 456-458. Abstract
Tan Y, Yu D, Pletting J, and Davis RL. (2010). Gilgamesh is required for rutabaga-independent olfactory learning in Drosophila. Neuron 67, 810-820. Abstract
Chan CS, Chen H, Bradley A, Dragatsis I, Rosenmund C and Davis RL. (2010). α8-integrins are required for hippocampal long-term potentiation but not for hippocampal-dependent learning. Genes, Brain and Behavior 9, 402-410. Abstract
Akalal DBG, Yu D and Davis RL. (2010). A late-phase, long-term memory trace forms in the γ neurons of Drosophila mushroom bodies after olfactory classical conditioning. J Neuroscience, 30, 16699-16708. Abstract
Tomchik S and Davis RL. (2009). Dynamics of learning-related cAMP signaling and stimulus integration in the Drosophila olfactory pathway. Neuron 64, 510-521. Abstract
Akalal DBG, Yu D and Davis RL. (2009). A late-phase, long-term memory trace forms in the g neurons of Drosophila mushroom bodies after olfactory classical conditioning. Abstract
Mao Z and Davis RL. (2009). Eight different types of dopaminergic neurons innervate the Drosophila mushroom body neuropil: anatomical and physiological heterogeneity. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 3, 5. Abstract
Moressis A, Friedrich A, Pavlopoulos E, Davis RL and Skoulakis E. (2009). A dual role for the adaptor protein DRK in Drosophila olfactory learning and memory. J. Neurosci. 29, 2611-2625. Abstract
Akalal DBG and Davis RL. (2009). “Learning and Memory in Invertebrates: Drosophila.” In Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Vol 5 Ed., L. Squire. Academic Press. (Oxford).
Liu X and Davis RL. (2009). The GABAergic anterior paired lateral neuron of Drosophila suppresses and is suppressed by olfactory learning. Nat. Neurosci. 12, 53-59. Abstract
Liu X and Davis RL. (2008). The GABAergic anterior paired lateral neuron of Drosophila suppresses and is suppressed by olfactory learning. Nat. Neurosci. Abstract
Tomchik SM and Davis RL. (2008). Behavioural neuroscience: Out of sight, but not out of mind. Nature 453, 1192-1194. Abstract
Tomchik SM and Davis RL. (2008). Cyclic AMP imaging sheds light on PDF signaling in circadian clock neurons. Neuron 58, 161-163. Abstract
Berry J, Krause W, Davis RL. Olfactory memory traces in Drosophila. In Progress in Brain Research: The Essence of Memory Vol 169. Eds. W. Sossin, J.C. Lacaille, V.F. Castellucci and S. Belleville. Elsevier B.V. (Oxford). 2008. Abstract
Nicholson L, Kaur G, Roman GW, Davis RL and Keshishian H. (2008). Spatial and temporal control of gene expression using the inducible gene-switch Gal4 system: L screen for larval nervous system drivers. Genetics 178, 215-34. Abstract
Liu X, Krause WC and Davis RL. (2007). GABAA receptor RDL inhibits Drosophila olfactory associative learning. Neuron 56, 1090-102. Abstract
Chan CS, Levenson JM, Mukhopadhyay PS, Zong L, Bradley A, Sweatt JD and Davis RL. (2007). α3-integrins are required for hippocampal long-term potentiation and working memory. Learning & Memory 14, 606-615. Abstract
Davis RL. (2007). The scent of Drosophila sex. Neuron 54, 14-16. Abstract
Liu L, Davis RL and Roman G. (2007). Exploratory activity in Drosophila requires the Drosophila non-visual arrestin. Genetics 175, 1-16. Abstract
Urizar NL, Yang Z, Edenberg HJ and Davis RL. (2007). Drosophila Homer is required in a small set of neurons including the ellipsoid body for normal ethanol sensitivity and tolerance. J. Neurosci., 27, 4541-4551.Abstract
Liu X and Davis RL. (2006). Insect olfactory memory in time and space. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 6, 679-685. Abstract
Ge H, Krishnan P, Liu L, Krishnan B, Davis RL, Hardin PE and Roman G. (2006). A Drosophila nonvisual arrestin is required for the maintenance of olfactory sensitivity. Chem. Senses 31, 49-62. Abstract
Yu D, Akalal DB and Davis RL. (2006). Drosophila α/β mushroom body neurons form a branch-specific, long-term cellular memory trace after spaced olfactory conditioning. Neuron 52, 845-855.Abstract
Chan CS, Weeber EJ, Zong L, Fuchs E, Sweat JD and Davis RL. (2006). β1-Integrins are required for hippocampal AMPA receptor-dependent synaptic transmission, synaptic plasticity, and working memory. J. Neurosci. 26, 223-233. Abstract
Akalal DBG, Wilson C, Zong L and Davis RL. (2006). Roles for Drosophila mushroom body neurons in olfactory learning. Learning & Memory, 13, 659-668. Abstract
Yang Z, Edenberg H and Davis RL. (2005). Isolation of mRNA from specific tissues of Drosophila by mRNA tagging. Nucleic Acid Res. 33, e148. Abstract
Davis RL. (2005). Olfactory memory formation in Drosophila: From molecular to systems neuroscience. Ann. Rev. Neurosci. 28, 275-302. Abstract
McGuire SE, Deshazer M and Davis RL. (2006). 30 years of olfactory learning and memory research in Drosophila melanogaster. Progress in Neurobiology, 76, 328-347. Abstract
Yu D, Keene AC, Srivatsan A, Waddell S, and Davis RL. (2005). Drosophila DPM neurons form a delayed and branch-specific memory trace after olfactory classical conditioning. Cell 123, 945-957. Abstract
Martini SR and Davis RL. (2005). The dachshund gene is required for the proper guidance and branching of mushroom body axons in Drosophila melanogaster. J. Neurobiol. 64, 133-44. Abstract
Davis RL. (2005). Remote control of fruit fly behavior. Cell, 121: 6-7. Abstract
Davis RL. (2004). Olfactory learning. Neuron 44, 31-48. Abstract
Perazzonza B, Isabel G, Preat T and Davis RL. (2004). The role of CREB in Drosophila long-term memory. J. Neurosci. 24, 8823-8828. Abstract
McGuire SE, Roman G and Davis RL. (2004). Gene expression systems in Drosophila: A synthesis of time and space. Trends in Genetics 20, 384-391.Abstract
Yu D, Ponomarev A and Davis RL. (2004). Altered representation of the spatial code for odors after olfactory classical conditioning: memory trace formation by synaptic recruitment. Neuron 42, 437-449. Abstract
McGuire SE, Mao Z, Davis RL. (2004). Spatiotemporal gene expression targeting with the TARGET and gene-switch systems in Drosophila. Science STKE 2004(220), l6. Abstract
McGuire SE, Le PT, Osborn AJ, Matsumoto K and Davis RL. (2003). Spatio-temporal Rescue of Memory Dysfunction in Drosophila. Science302, 1765-1768. Abstract
*[Article highlighted by Wang Y and Zhong Y. (2004). TARGETing “when” and “where”. Science STKE. 2004, pe5. and Waddell, S. (2004). Four dimensional gene expression control: Memories on the fly. Trends in Neurosciences, in press.]Abstract
Mao Z, Roman G, Zong L, and Davis RL. (2004). Pharmacogenetic rescue in time and space of the rutabaga memory impairment using Gene-Switch. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101,198-203. Abstract
Lee HG, Seong CS, Kim YC, Davis RL and Han KA. (2003). Octopamine receptor OAMB is required for ovulation in Drosophilamelanogaster. Develop. Biol., 264, 179-190. Abstract
Ponomarev AL and Davis RL. (2003). An adjustable-threshold algorithm for the identification of objects in three dimensional images. Bioinformatics 19,1431-1435. Abstract
Chan CS, Weeber EJ, Kurup S, Sun H, Sweatt JD and Davis RL. (2003). Integrin requirement for hippocampal synaptic plasticity and spatial memory. J. Neurosci., 23(18), 7107-7116. Abstract
Nishihara E, Yoshida-Komiya H, Chan CS, Liao L, Davis RL, Xu J, and O’Malley BW. (2003). SRC-1 null mice exhibit moderate motor dysfunction and delayed development of cerebellar purkinje cells. J. Neurosci. 23, 213-222. Abstract
Yu D, Baird GS, Tsien RY and Davis RL. (2003). Detection of calcium transients in Drosophila mushroom body neurons with camgaroo reporters, J. Neurosci. 23, 64-72. Abstract
Roman G and Davis RL. (2002). Conditional expression of UAS-transgenes in the adult eye with a new gene-switch vector system. Genesis34, 127-131.Abstract
McGuire S and Davis RL. (2001). Presenilin-1 and memories of the forebrain. Neuron 32, 763-765. Abstract
Roman G, Endo K, Zong L and Davis RL. (2001). P{Switch}, a novel system for spatial and temporal control of gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98, 12602-12607.Abstract
McGuire SE, Le PT and Davis RL. (2001). The role of Drosophila mushroom body signaling in olfactory memory. Science 10, 1126-1129. Abstract
*[Article highlighted by Waddell, S., and Quinn, W.G. (2001). Neurobiology. Learning how a fruit fly forgets. Science 293, 1271-1272]. Abstract
Davis RL. (2001). Mushroom bodies, Ca2+ oscillations, and the memory gene amnesiac. Neuron 30, 653-656.Abstract
Cheng Y, Endo K, Wu K, Rodan AR and Davis RL. (2001). Drosophila fasciclinII is required for the formation of odor memories for normal sensitivity to alcohol. Cell 105, 757-768.Abstract
*[Article highlighted by Waddell, S., and Quinn, W.G. (2001). Fas-Acting Memory. Developmental Cell 1, 8-9].Abstract
Roman G and Davis RL. (2001). Molecular biology and anatomy of Drosophila olfactory associative learning. BioEssays 23, 1-11.Abstract
Davis RL. (2001). Genetics of memory in the fly. In “International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences,” (N. Smelser and P. Baltes, eds.), Elsevier Science Limited (Oxford).
Rohrbough J, Grotewiel MS, Davis RL and Broadie K. (2000). Integrin-mediated regulation of synaptic morphology, transmission, and plasticity. J. Neurosci. 20, 6868-6878. Abstract
Roman G, He J and Davis RL. (2000). Kurtz, a novel non-visual arrestin, is an essential neural gene in Drosophila. Genetics 155, 1281-1295. Abstract
Martini SR, Roman G, Meuser S, Mardon G and Davis RL. (2000). The retinal determination gene, dachshund, is required for mushroom body cell differentiation. Development 127, 2663-2672. Abstract
Davis RL. (2000). Neurofibromin progress in the fly. Nature News & Views 403, 846-847. Abstract
Beck CDO, Schroeder B and Davis RL. (2000). Learning performance of Drosophila after repeated conditioning trials with discrete stimuli. J. Neurosci. 20, 2944-2953.Abstract
Zars T, Reinhard W, Davis R and Heisenberg M. (2000). Tissue specific expression of a type I adenylyl cyclase in the rutabaga mutant rescues its memory defect: In search of the engram. Learning & Memory 7, 18-31. Abstract
Kelley RL, Meller VH, Gordadze PR, Roman G, Davis RL, and Kuroda MI. (1999). Epigenetic spreading the Drosophila dosage compensation complex from roX RNA genes into flanking chromatin. Cell 98, 513-522.Abstract
Farris SM, Robinson GE, Davis RL, Fahrback SE. (1999). Larval and pupal development of the mushroom bodies in the honey bee, Apis mellifera. J. Comp. Neuro. 414, 97-113.Abstract
Roman G, He J, and Davis RL. (1999). New series of Drosophila expression vectors suitable for behavioral rescue. BioTechiques 27, 54-56.Abstract
Cherry JA and Davis RL. (1999). Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterases are localized in regions of the mouse brain associated with reinforcement, movement, and affect. J. Comp. Neuro. 407, 287-301. Abstract
Roman G, Meller V, Wu KH and Davis RL. (1998). The opt1 gene of Drosophila melanogaster encodes a proton dependent dipeptide transporter. Am. J. Physiol. 275, C857-C869. Abstract
Crittenden J, Skoulakis EMC, Han KA, Kalderon D and Davis RL. (1998). Tripartite mushroom body architecture revealed by antigenic markers. Learning & Memory 5, 38-51. Abstract
Skoulakis EMC and Davis RL. (1998). 14-3-3 proteins in neuronal development and function. Mole. Neurobiol. 16, 269-284. Abstract
Delgado R, Davis RL, Bono MR, Latorre R, and Labarca P. (1998). Outward currents in Drosophila larval neurons: dunce lacks a maintained outward current component down regulated by cyclic AMP. J. Neurosci. 18, 1399-1407. Abstract
Grotewiel MS, Beck CDO, Wu KH, Zhu XR and Davis RL. (1998). Integrin-mediated short-term memory in Drosophila. Nature 391, 455-460.Abstract
*[Article highlighted by: Bargmann, C. (1998). Molecular neurobiology. Making memories stick? Nature 391, 435-436 and Connolly, J.B., and Tully, T. (1998). Integrins: a role for adhesion molecules in olfactory memory. Curr. Biol. 8, R386-R389].Abstract
Han KA, Millar NS, and Davis RL. (1998). A novel octopamine receptor with preferential expression in Drosophila mushroom bodies. J. Neurosci. 18, 3650-3658. Abstract
Li W, Skoulakis EMC, Davis RL and Perrimon N. (1997). The Drosophila 14-3-3 protein Leonardo enhances Torso signaling through D-Raf in a Ras1-dependent manner. Development 124, 4163-4171. Abstract
Broadie K, Rushton E, Skoulakis EMC and Davis RL. (1997). Leonardo, a Drosophila 14-3-3 protein involved in learning, regulates presynaptic function. Neuron 19, 391-402. Abstract
Meller VH, Wu KH, Roman G, Kuroda M and Davis RL. (1997). roX1 RNA paints the X chromosome of male Drosophila and is regulated by the dosage compensation system. Cell 88, 445-457. Abstract
*[Article highlighted by Willard, H.F, and Salz, H.K. (1997). Remodeling chromatin with RNA. Nature 386, 228-229].Abstract
Skoulakis EMC and Davis RL. (1996). Olfactory learning deficits in mutants for Leonardo, a Drosophila gene encoding a 14-3-3 protein. Neuron 17, 931-944. Abstract
Han KA, Millar NS, Groteweil MS and Davis RL. (1996). DAMB, a novel dopamine receptor expressed specifically in Drosophila mushroom bodies. Neuron 16, 1127-1135. Abstract
Davis RL and Han KA. (1996). Mushrooming mushroom bodies. Current Biology 6, 146-148.Abstract
Meller VH and Davis RL. (1996). Biochemistry of insect learning: lessons from bees and flies. Insect Biochem. & Mole. Biol. 26, 327-335. Abstract
Davis RL. (1996). Biochemistry and physiology of Drosophila learning mutants. Physiol. Reviews 76, 299-317. Abstract
Han PL, Meller VH and Davis RL. (1996). The Drosophila brain revisited by enhancer detection. J. Neurobiol. 31, 88-102.Abstract
Davis RL, Cherry JA, Dauwalder B, Han PL and Skoulakis EMC. (1995). The cyclic AMP system and Drosophila learning. J. Mole. & Cell. Biochem. 149/150, 271-278. Abstract
Cherry JA and Davis RL. (1995). A mouse homolog of dunce, a gene important for learning and memory in Drosophila, is preferentially expressed in olfactory receptor neurons. J. Neurobiol. 28, 102-113. Abstract
Dauwalder B and Davis RL. (1995). Conditional rescue of the dunce learning/memory and female fertility defects with Drosophila or rat transgenes. J. Neurosci. 15, 3490-3499. Abstract
Nighorn A, Qiu Y and Davis RL. (1994). Progress in understanding the Drosophila dnc locus. Comp. Biochem. & Physiol., 108B, 1-9. Abstract
Skoulakis EMC, Han PL and Davis RL. (1993). Learning and memory in Drosophila. In “Memory Concepts: Basic and Clinical Aspects,” (P. Anderson, A. Bjorkland, B. Hokfelt and T. Hokfelt, eds.), Novo Nordisk Foundation Symposium No. 7, Elsevier Science Publishers, (Amsterdam), pp. 99-112.
Davis RL. (1993). Mushroom bodies and Drosophila learning. Neuron 11, 1-4. Abstract
Skoulakis E, Kalderon D and Davis RL. (1993). Preferential expression of the catalytic subunit of PKA in the mushroom bodies and its role in learning and memory. Neuron 11, 197-208. Abstract
Qiu Y and Davis RL. (1993). Genetic dissection of the learning/memory gene dunce of Drosophila melanogaster. Genes & Develop. 7, 1447-1458. Abstract
Han PL, Levin L, Reed RR and Davis RL. (1992). Preferred expression of the Drosophila rutabaga gene in mushroom bodies, neural centers for learning in insects. Neuron 9, 619-627. Abstract
Levin L, Han PL, Hwang PM, Feinstein PG, Davis RL and Reed RR. (1992). The Drosophila learning and memory gene rutabaga encodes a Ca2+/calmodulin-responsive adenylyl cyclase. Cell 68, 479-489. Abstract
Qiu Y, Chen CN, Malone T, Richter-Mann L, Beckendorf S and Davis RL. (1991). Characterization of the memory gene dunce of Drosophilamelanogaster. J. Mole. Biol. 222, 553-565. Abstract
Davis RL and Dauwalder B. (1991). The Drosophila dunce locus and its mammalian homologs. Trends in Genetics 7, 224-229. Abstract
Nighorn A, Healy M and Davis RL. (1991). The cAMP phosphodiesterase encoded by the Drosophila dunce gene is concentrated in mushroom body neuropil. Neuron 6, 455-467. Abstract
Davis RL. (1990). Molecular genetics of the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases. In “Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases: Structure, Regulation and Drug Action,” (J. Beavo and M. Houslay, eds.), John Wiley and Sons Limited (Chichester), pp. 227-241.
Livi GP, Kmetz P, McHale MM, Cieslinski LB, Sathe GM, Taylor DP, Davis RL, Torphy TJ and Balcarek JM. (1990). Cloning and expression of cDNA for a human low-Km, rolipram-sensitive cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase. Mole. Cell. Biol. 10, 2678-2686. Abstract
Davis RL, Henkel-Tigges J, Qiu Y and Nighorn A. (1990). Phosphodiesterase genes from flies to mammals. In “Purines in Cellular Signaling: Targets for New Drugs,” (K. Jacobson, J. Daly, and V. Manganiello, eds.), Springer-Verlag (New York), pp. 290-296.
Pittler SJ, Baehr, W Wasmuth, J Champagne, M van Tuinen P, Ledbetter D and Davis RL. (1990). Molecular characterization of human and bovine rod photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesterase a-subunit and chromosomal localization of the human gene. Genomics 6, 272-283. Abstract
Henkel-Tigges, J and Davis RL. (1990). Rat homologs of the Drosophila dunce gene code for cyclic AMP phosphodiesterases sensitive to the antidepressant rolipram. Mole. Pharm. 37, 7-10. Abstract
Yun Y and Davis RL. (1989). Copia RNA levels are elevated in dunce mutants and modulated by cAMP. Nucl. Acids Res. 17, 8313-8325. Abstract
Davis RL, Takayasu H, Eberwine M and Myres J. (1989). Cloning and characterization of mammalian homologs of the Drosophila dunce+ gene. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86, 3604-3608. Abstract
Yun Y and Davis RL. (1989). Levels of RNA from a family of putative serine protease genes are reduced in Drosophila melanogaster dunce mutants and are regulated by cyclic AMP. Mole. Cell. Biol. 9, 692-700. Abstract
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